- Film


Under the label Film, a particular type of film is shown that fits the channel's orientation and ethos. This also involves various sub-labels. The basic idea of the film package plays on the popular key visual popcorn. The popcorn here, however, is produced in the design style of zdf.kultur. A Bunsen burner on an island of film cans is what makes the popcorn pop. All kinds of objects serve as ironic and humorous citations from the film world. The sub-label installations are distinguished by the use of other objects but retain a common look.


credits: client: zdf / zdf kultur; andreas reinberger, christian kohl, irena pavor creative director and director: gabi trojan-madračević creative management: andrea bednarz director of photography: gabi trojan-madračević, cay fiehn, jan rinkens animation: cay fiehn, jan rinkens set design: gabi trojan-madračević, jan rinkens, cay fiehn producer: tatjana živanović-wegele audio on-air: zdf; guido jobelius