- Delikatessen


Once a week 'Delikatessen' serves up the best videos of the month in its 'Frischware' (fresh goods) edition. The remaining weeks are dedicated to a mixture of current and classic videos according to selected subjects. The opener was filmed over the course of one night in a running Sushi bar. Up to 30 'delicacies' were put together and arranged from all kinds of objects by our team. From a tattooed chicken to a pill-apple, from a Walkman to a mike there is a wonderful array of small musical interpretations.

credits: client: zdf / zdf.kultur; christian kohl, andreas reinberger, irena pavor creative director: gabi trojan-madračević creative management: andrea bednarz director and director of photography: gabi madracevic, cay fiehn producer: tatjana živanović-wegele edit and animation: cay fiehn, iris pfennig decor: sandra hauser, iris pfennig, iris rinkens, gabi trojan-madračević, andrea bednarz audio on-air: zdf; guido jobelius audio website: miscellaneous